Monday, September 13, 2010

"you dick"

so I have been working like crazyyy.... and jim's mom decided to take the kids saturday afternoon till sunday of course I had to work both days so I really didnt get that "break" in... smh...But Jimmy got home and said to his dad "You dick!" and he just kept saying it... so last night when I came home from work I asked Jimmy, "what did you call your dad?" he pointed at his dad and said "you dick" oh...em...geee I just about died right there, funniest shit I have ever heard a 2 year old say...bahahahah...

Old people should really retire at the age of 70... if your working at a fast paced job... and all you can get done is folding of the tables... then you should deff call it quits... you take too damn long... and if you take to damn long then someone else is gonna have to pick up where you left off... Im not willing to do that... I have my own stuff at work that I do...but if your slow then you really need to step it up a notch...smh....RETIRE already... let us young people have the hours....

I say our Army needs to just bomb the shit out of iraq, and Iran... its not like they are going to just let it go that we tried to run their life basically... we tried to run their life and now they are going to try and ruin the USA... wtf... stupid obama we have to stay there until their civilized... oh wait that will never happen their just a bunch of fucking animals... smh! JUST BOMB THE SHIT OUT OF THEM!!! idiots....

well Im off to clean and what not... blog later or tomorrow...... on second thought maybe a week.

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